Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rock & Run Race Recap (June 19 2010)

What a Race! I haven't been running for three weeks and looking at doing a slow easy run for this one. I even contemplated running the first 5km and walking the second 5km if heel pain was too much for me.

But God threw an unexpected plan as there was a very strong downpour of rain by the time we got to Fort Bonifacio. It was like we were stuck in the middle of a typhoon! Who would be crazy enough to still push with this race?

Well, apparently a lot of people (me and Per included)!

As the race started we ran out in the rain, eyes squinting, clothes drenched, shoes squeaking but with enough determination to see this race through, wherever it may take us. An ordinary road race became a race against nature!

Unfortunately due to the strong rain, the "Rock" part of this race had to be stopped. But I didn't notice this as I was paying too much attention on how I ran, the deep puddles on the floor and this great feeling of running again. Yes, I definitely missed running!

Without any training, I expected this race to be hard for my body. And that became true as early as the 2km mark! By the time I reached that distance, I was breathing hard, had stiff shoulders and mild side stitch. I then used the various water stations as recovery areas. Then I would run off again. By the 3-4km, I was covering my Garmin with my other hand for fear it will break down from the rain. That didn't help my running form and lead to more pain for my shoulders. The heel was starting to hurt by 5km mark but I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to finish this race so I can find shelter!

And finish it I did. After a week of waiting, the race results came out and can be found at

Boy, was I surprised at my time! Sub one hour! And not just a few seconds but more than 2.5 minutes from one hour.

That made joining a race all worth it again. Now, it's back to resting and watching FIFA.


Nat said...

I read that a common cause of shoulder pain for runners is when they hold their arms too far from their in case you do just keep them close to your torso (and apply anti-chafe gel as necessary).

22loy said...

"Who would be crazy enough to still push with this race?

Well, apparently a lot of people (me and Per included)!"
