- Three races Per and I joined so far: Tomorrow's 10km Book Run, Feb 21st Century Tuna 21km Run (21 for 21) and Feb 07th Condura Race.
- First two races were easy to join and should be fun for me. No PR targets although for Century Tuna, I want a CR (Couple Record) target as we beat our SF time last November. It shall be Per's 3rd Half Marathon so far. I can attest that all her family and friends are quite surprised that she is able to do this feat.
- Condura race was easy to join too. But I had a very difficult time thinking which event I would go to. Finisher medal wasn't the issue as all race categories will get one. 21km will be the easy one to go for. But I already did that last year. My heel pain is pulling me down on the decision making. I registered for the safer route - 21km , paid for it and got my claim stub. Only....
as I was about to leave the store, a lingering thought kept going into my mind. Can I do another 42km this soon and still this injured? But it was a challenge and I know it was dumb. But I followed my heart instead of my mind, made a U turn back to the counter and changed my race category to a full marathon. 42.2km for just Php 100 more.
It was a tough decision but if I did not finish the race, I have nobody to blame but myself. My goal is to ignore the heel pain, and keep moving forward. Don't stop. Target of 5:30 or below. Definitely not 6:00 or even 5:40. I hope for 5:15. I hope to beat my Cebu Marathon time (nevermind Fresno time as I wasn't injured back then). Positive thinking and hoping for the best. Hoping my heel won't cause me trouble like last time when I was in Cebu. But will enjoy the scenery too.
- I'm getting bored with running. GASP! Can it be I'm burning out again? But I'm not running at all! Can it be I'm getting too comfortable with being a couch potato? Maybe! But I think the real reason is the pain when I run. It's not a good feeling. It hurts. And it slows me down. It makes me want to quit. It makes me want to change into another sport. Who knows? Maybe, after Condura, I may do just that.
- In the meantime, I will start using my ipod again. Music may lift up my spirit. I will use it for tomorrow's race.
See you when I see you...
"I'm getting bored with running"- Take that back, RFB! =/
It could be that you're burning out because you've been putting too much pressure on yourself running (serious races) back to back to back to back. Take a break, and have a KitKat instead of chocolate flavored GU. Remember, we started running because it was FUN!
On that note, watch out for a super fun running event on April! ;)
C'mon Pare, a few weeks of pesky heelp pain is miniscule compared to your almost two-years of fun-filled runs. I've been through mid-foot pains, plantar fasciitiis, stiff calves, and plain inability to run, but here I am still chugging along because I know it is still good overall. Trust me, it gets better.
But should you need diversion in the meantime, try swimming or biking, or aquathlons or duathlons! Next time sali ka SWAC (sheerwill aquathlon cup). Haha.
what happens to this blog when you change sports?
do you get a 21k finisher medal if you don't finish the 42k?
hi janine, a break is definitely in order... after Condura... should I survive it... hehe
hi Rico, I will be most interested to join the SWAC race. :)
hi 22loy, tough questions for which I do not have the answers to. Hopefully, I don't find the answers to it... hehe
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