Monday, November 22, 2010

BGC's Vertical Marathon

So excited for this race!

After doing RunRio Trilogy last Saturday (more on this later), I am looking forward to another exciting race.

This time it is for Leg 01 of the BGC Race. Leg 02 will be on November 28th at Fort Bonifacio with another 21km race (and another finisher medal). Both races will raffle off a Chevy on November 28.

Leg 01 of the BGC Race, to be held on November 27th, is more exciting as it involves climbing up a building with 25 floors! And that's the easy category (Half -Century Run)!

For the harder and more hard core one (Century Run), the race involves going up and down the same building... TWICE! Unfortunately, in order for you to qualify for that race, you have to have a personal best of sub- 40:00 for the 10km which is very far from my Personal Best time!

Race kit includes race bib, race mechanics and guidelines form, and an Accel blue singlet (design is the picture above).

Looks like this will be an exciting race. Only thing I am worried about is that there are no water stations inside the building and no liquid allowed inside the stairwell too (so can't bring own hydration gears). Hopefully, they could amend this by putting at least one water station on the top floor.

Time to train at the stairmaster!

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