As a runner, doing two races in one weekend is a feat that is quite rare for me. I just figured it's too tiring and not at all fun to wake up early on both Saturday AND Sunday when I should have at least one day to sleep late.
Still, there have been instances in the past when I have done this. The most current one was last May 1-3 long weekend, with me doing the Labor Day 5km Run on May 1st, followed by a 16km RUNew race in Alabang. Both races were quite good and I had a great time in each of them.
In 2009, I also did a back to back race by doing Robinson's Fit and Buddy Run 10km with Per, followed by REACH's 5km race, which had runners finishing Krispy Kreme donuts before they could finish their race. Again, both these races were awesome on their own.
With only two back to back races and a Running history of 4 years, it really wasn't common for me. So why do it again?
1. It's hard to resist free kits! Yes, I got a free kit to do Vertical Marathon via Skechers Facebook page and I received a second free race kit to do McDonald's Run via Pinoy Fitness' contest. Thanks guys!
2. Both races seemed to be too fun to pass up. Who wouldn't want to challenge themselves via conquering a 25 floor building? Who wouldn't want to join McDonald's Fun Run and just enjoy their time there?
3. It was a long weekend!
Just like the May 1-3 long weekend wherein I did two races, here was another long weekend with Monday being declared as a non-working day. So I still had a chance to sleep long and wake up late. Perfect also to rest my tired body by spending the 3rd day at home.
4. Again, the Free kits! And anything that comes with it! That meant free loot bag, free breakfast (McDonalds), free singlets, etc. For these two races, it was a savings of Php 900 for the registration fees!
5. More calories to burn. Not really a good reason to do two races but a reason nevertheless.
Anyway going back to the real topic for this entry, which was
McDonald's 2nd Happy Run- Race Review:
The venue was at Mckinley Hills, with a very early starting time for a 10km race. But I didn't care. I even appreciated it as didn't want to be burned by the sun rays. This, being at McKinley Hills meant that we had free parking (as it is free parking here every Sunday).
For Php 350, there were no singlets but there was a free breakfast via (DUH!) McDonald's breakfast muffins. Proceeds of race would go to Ronald McDonald's Charity House. Race was even started by popular actress Donita Rose!
The race route would take us out of McKinley Hills and lead us bumping with runners from another race happening in Fort Bonifacio (BGC's 21km run). Saw a lot of familiar faces from that race but I was just happy with my 10km. No pressure on me! Lots and lots of water stations (but some of them could be BGC's).
I was moving at a better than expected, but still slow speed as I conquered each kilometer. My legs took a beating from the building run the previous day so had some difficulty at the hilly route. But I was glad there were no pains for my left foot! Yay! No i pod this time around as I wanted to focus on my running form.
The route took us all the way to Lawton Avenue for the U Turn back to McKinley Hills where I was able to catch up with some 5km runners, who seemed to be having a great time with their kids. Once inside McKinley Hills, we had to do one final big loop around the parking lot before we could cross the finish line.
Race conquered! I immediately got my Sausage McMuffin and woofed it down with the juice they gave me. Then, back to the car to get camera in the hopes of finding
THE CLOWN! For me, that was my ultimate prize! The ultimate McDonald's Celebrity Icon!
This was a family run, being McDonald's after all. Parents brought along their kids. Some families even bought the nice red/yellow shirt being sold for just P250 (for adults) or P200 (for kids) as a souvenir of this race. Quite festive at the finish line as everyone enjoyed eating their breakfasts and hanging around after a hard work out!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Happy at McHappy Run
As for the
HE is now my Facebook Profile Picture! Gotta Luv It! Hehe!